The Inaugural 2013 Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art, Notice for Volunteers

On the 2nd of July 2013, volunteers for the inaugural 2013 cycle of the Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art gathered in the auditorium of the Zhejiang Museum for registration, receiving their volunteers’ handbooks and attending to preliminary matters relating to their projects. Museum representatives introduced volunteers to the values of this year’s Triennial and the circumstances of its participating artists; outlining progress with preparations for the exhibition, explaining the details of volunteers’ duties, along with any other related areas for concern. 

The volunteers listened attentively and posed pertinent questions, communicating assiduously with the Museum’s representatives. Although the volunteers for this year’s pending Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art are themselves for the most part still students in institutes of higher education, nonetheless, all present expressed intents to participate actively in their projects, doing their best to learn from these and contribute an equal share of energy to the Triennial. According to each volunteer’s expertise and availability, the Museum finally set to work timetabling the next stages of the exhibition’s coordination. Subject to the collective anticipation of all concerned, what comes next is the volunteers’ participating first-hand in coordinating the exhibition following its opening.


(Text and Photography: Zheng Xuechen)
